Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Persona 3 FES Walkthrough

Persona 3 is a very non linear game, mainly due to the Social Link portion of
the game.  Writing an accurate walkthrough is very hard due to that you can get
invites from your social links at any time, so listing when they occur might
throw some people offtrack.  Therefore, to avoid confusion and to avoid any
possible spoilers, this guide will only list the important dates for each month
that are out of your control.

|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  7  |  8  |   9  |  10 |  11  |  12  |
|  13 |  14 |  15 |  16  |  17 |  18  |  19  |
|  20 |  21 |  22 |  23  |  24 |  25  |  26  |
|  27 |  28 |  29 |  30  |  -  |  -   |   -  |

Important Dates:

7 - Game begins.
8 - Quiz in class; Velvet room is open.
18 - Quiz in class.
20 - First exploration.
21 - Introduction to exploring after school/Introduction to weapon buying.
22 - Social Links start occuring.
23 - Sporting clubs start recruiting.
25 - Bookworms Used Bookstore reopens.
27 - Quiz in class; new social available.
29 - New social link available.
30 - Requests are available.

April 7
This is where the game begins.  After the set of opening scenes, you'll be
asked to insert your name.  Make sure to put your LAST name in first, then your
first name.  After this, some more scenes will play out.

April 8
Your first quiz will occur today.  When you give a correct answer, your Charm
will increase.  You have three different stats: Academics, Charm, and Courage.
The answer to the quiz is "Fuyuhiko Yoshimura".  After the day ends and you go
to sleep, you'll get an introduction to the Velvet Room.

April 18
You'll get another quiz here.  The answer is "How the tools were made."

April 20
After school lets out and the Dark Hour comes around, you'll be asked to
explore the Tartarus.  You only have to explore the first floor and you have
Yukari and Junpei with you.  Try to attack the Shadows from behind to get the
first strike.  During the first set of battles, Mitsuru will offer to give you
a tutorial on the battle basics.  After you defeat all the enemies, Mitsuru
will tell you to split the party up.  Once you find the access point, go back
to the first floor to end the exploration.

NOTE: From this point forward, I will NOT tell you when to explore the
Tartarus.  You can explore it when you have the free time when you're not
tired/sick and explore it at your own pace.  The barriers though are removed
at a set date, so try not to fall behind.  Training about 2-3 times a week
is probably the best option.

April 21
This is the first day in which you can freely explore after school instead of
going straight to the dorm.  Now that you can explore after school, you can
make new social links and raise your Academics, Charm, or Courage.  Be warned
though: doing one of the two (social links/increasing stats) will waste the
entire day, so choose wisely.  It'd be a good idea to get your stats up pretty
quickly as some social links require you to be at a certain level with your
Academics, Charm, and Courage.  You'll also be introduced to the weapon dealer
in the game.  Make sure to check up on him when a new month rolls around to
upgrade your equipment.  It'll get pretty pricy down the stretch though.

April 22
You'll obtain your first social link today with Kenji, your classmate.  Social
Links are easy to do, but hard to manage as you get more and more of them.
Spending time with a person will increase your social link, but ignoring
someone for too long will make that social link become "reversed".

April 23
After school, you'll be able to go join either the Swimming team, Kendo team,
or Track team.  It doesn't matter which one you join since the Arcana from the
social link will be the same, as will the person on the team.  After making
your choice, it'll be Evening.  Go to Tartarus or study or sleep.

April 25
Before school starts, you'll overhear about a bookstore reopening.  After
school, go to the Iwatodai Strip Mall and enter the bookstore.  After the
scene, go back to the school and look for the Persimmon tree (it's in the
schoolyard before the room with the three sports teams) and examine it to
obtain a leaf from it.  Go back to the bookstore and you'll unlock a new
Arcana and social link.

April 27
You'll get quizzed today in class.  I shouldn't really have to tell you the
answer here, but it's "2".  After school, go to the Faculty Office and say
you're interested in joining the Student Council.  Now head for the Student
Council room (located directly across from your class) and choose to join it
for a new social link.

April 29
If you obtained the MMORPG "Innocent Sin" from Junpei, you can play it today.
Doing so will open up a new Arcana and social link (I'm pretty sure you got a
good laugh out of the conversation here) but you'll waste the entire day.
If you make this social link, it will only become available on Sundays,
holidays, and vacations from school.

April 30
After school, go back to the Dorm and you'll receive a call from Elizabeth.
Go to the Velvet Room via the door under the Karaoke place in the mall and
she'll tell you about her Requests.  You'll obtain items for completing these
requests, but some of them have deadlines.  If you fail to complete a request
by the deadline, then that request is gone for good, so try to do the requests
at your own pace but don't fall behind in your Tartarus exploration.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   -  |  1  |   2  |   3  |
|  4  |  5  |  6  |   7  |  8  |   9  |  10  |
|  11 |  12 |  13 |  14  |  15 |  16  |  17  |
|  18 |  19 |  20 |  21  |  22 |  23  |  24  |
|  25 |  26 |  27 |  28  |  29 |  30  |  31  |

Important dates:

3 - Introduction to Tanaka's shopping network.
4 - No school.
5 - No school.
6 - New social link available; Quiz in class.
7 - New social link established.
9 - Full Moon.
10 - New block of Tartarus is open; Persona Compendium is now available.
13 - Quiz in class.
15 - Quiz in class.
18-23 - Midterms.
25 - Exam results are posted.

May 3
You'll overhear the Tanaka shopping network during school a day or two earlier.
On Sundays when you're not meeting anyone, check out your TV and the home
shopping network will air.  You can buy different things from it if you want.

May 4
No school today.  Now would be a good time to get a Mad Bull from the vending
machine in the dorm and a Weird Takoyaki from the Iwatodai Strip Mall.

May 5
No school today.

May 6
You'll be quizzed today.  THe answer is "Basic".  After school, go to the
Naganaki Shrine and talk with the little girl near the jungle gym.  If you got
that Mad Bull and Weird Takoyaki, she'll take them from you and invite you to
play with her another day.

May 7
After school, go to the Naganaki Shrine and talk with the little girl who
will reveal herself as Maiko.  Play with her and a new arcana and a new social
link will be established, you pedo.

May 9
Tonight is a full moon.  You'll be given your first mission as a member of
SEES and thankfully for you, it's not that difficult.  Once you gain control,
follow the monorail until you reach the train.  You'll enter it (Well damn
Yukari, if you don't want me to look, don't wear such a tiny thing!) and
another scene will kick up.  After a battle or two, a timer will kick up.  You
have 7 minutes to reach the front of the train and stop the Shadow, otherwise
the train will collide with another one, killing you three.  Once you reach
the front car, you're greeted by the Shadow.


/ BOSS \
|  Priestess  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Rpl | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Just a quick rundown: I'll list each element/attack type for each boss and list
how they react to them.  Nrm = Normal; Wk = Weak; Rpl = Repel; Str = Strong;
Nul = Nullifies.

For the first boss in the game, it's not a real tough one.  As long as you
avoid using a Persona with Bufu skills, so something like Orpheus or Nekomata
will come a long way here.  As for Yukari and Junpei, hopefully you're at a
high enough level in which the Priestess won't put you in a critical zone with
just one attack.  If you don't feel confident, set Yukaris tactics to
Heal/Support while you and Junpei attack it.

Priestess mainly uses Bufu and attacks but will summon Tiaras to help her out.
Get rid of these as they'll only heal her.  It shouldn't be a difficult fight
and you should be able to get rid of her before the time limit runs out.


After the fight, you'll learn a new tactic and your SEES social link will
increase by 1.

NOTE: On nights before a full moon, you'll have infinite stamina in the
Tartarus, so you can never get tired.  Use this time to grind like hell if you
feel you're underleveled or if you need to do any of Elizabeths requests.

May 10
Once you return to the dorm, Elizabeth will call your cell phone and tell you
that a new block of the Tartarus is open.  The second block is much tougher
than the first block since it was only a warm up, so I'd suggest waiting until
Akihiko joins the party before exploring it.  Also, you can register your
Persona in the Persona Compendium if you visit the Velvet Room from now on.

May 13
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "General Relativity Theory".  Say that 5
times fast.

May 15
You'll be quizzed again.  The answer is "Let me go!".

May 18
From today until the 23rd, you can't do anything else since the Midterms start
today.  The first day is dependent on your Academic level.  Level 3 should

May 19
Second day of Midterms.  The answer is "Mangekyo".

May 20
Third day of Midterms.  The answer is "Chaos Theory".

May 21
Fourth day of Midterms.  The answer is "Basic".

May 22
Fifth day of Midterms.  The answer is "How the tools are made".

May 23
Today is the last day of Midterms.  Just like with the first day, the last day
is dependent on your Academic stat, so level 3 should suffice.

May 25
The midterm exams are posted today.  Depending on how many answers you
correctly answered and depending on your Academic level, you'll find out how
well you did on it.  If you got the best score in your class, you'll receive a
boost in your charm.  Also, the next day, make sure to visit Mitsuru in the
halls of the school to receive your reward.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  1  |  2  |  3  |   4  |  5  |   6  |   7  |
|  8  |  9  |  10 |  11  |  12 |  13  |  14  |
|  15 |  16 |  17 |  18  |  19 |  20  |  21  |
|  22 |  23 |  24 |  25  |  26 |  27  |  28  |
|  29 |  30 |  -  |   -  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important dates:

8 - Full Moon.
9 - Antique shop opens.
12 - New social link established.
13 - New floors of the Tartarus are available.
15 - Quiz in class.
17 - Quiz in class; School clubs are recruiting.
22 - Quiz in class.
29 - Quiz in class.

June 8
Yup, it's time for a full moon already.  You'll be going to the Tartarus
tonight to look for Fuuka.  Once you gain control, go to where the Faculty
Office is and you'll find the Gym Key.  Go back to the main hall for another
scene and you'll wind up in Tartarus, split up from Akihiko and Junpei.  Just
make your way up a few floors and you'll find them eventually.  When you do,
the real fun begins.


/ BOSS \
|   Empress   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|   Wk  |   Wk   |   Wk   | Nul |  Nul | Nul |  Nul |  Nul |  Nul |

/ BOSS \
|   Emperor   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nul  |   Nul  |   Nul  |  Wk |  Wk  |  Wk |  Wk  |  Nul |  Nul |

The above stats for the two Shadows you're facing are only their default
strengths and weaknesses.  Obviously from this, the Empress has a weakness to
Slash, Strike, and Pierce attacks while the Emperor has a weakness to all four
elemental attacks.  The best way to deal with this?  On your first turn, have
the main character attack the Empress to knock her down, and then use a Persona
with any elemental skill and use it on the Emperor to knock him down.  Use an
All Out Attack and you should do a decent amount of damage.  Sounds simple,
right?  Well, once they get low on health, Empress and Emperor will start
switching their attributes around.  This is where Fuuka comes in handy.  Use
L1 to bring up the Analyze option and have her Analyze them while you guess
their weaknesses.  Once you hit them, they'll switch again.  Repeat until they


After the fight, you'll learn the very useful "Knock Down" tactic.

June 9
The antique shop is open now.  Take a peek inside to see what it is and what
items you can get.

June 12
Agree to become friends with the Mysterious Boy and he'll reveal himself as
Pharos.  The Death Arcana will also become available.

June 13
Elizabeth will give you a call, telling you that new floors of the Tartarus
are available for exploring, which means she has new requests for you as well.

June 15
You'll be quizzed today.  The answer is "Colon".  I don't know how I got this
wrong on my first playthrough since I'm aiming for Journalism.

June 17
You'll be quizzed again.  The answer is "Shamanism".  After school, the three
school clubs (Music, Art, Photography) are recruiting.  It doesn't matter
which one you pick.

June 18
Nothing special on this day.  Just wanted to put it here because this is my
birthday.  Yay.

June 22
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Chinese".

June 29
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Leonardo da Vinci".


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  1  |   2  |  3  |   4  |   5  |
|  6  |  7  |  8  |   9  |  10 |  11  |  12  |
|  13 |  14 |  15 |  16  |  17 |  18  |  19  |
|  20 |  21 |  22 |  23  |  24 |  25  |  26  |
|  27 |  28 |  29 |  30  |  31 |   -  |   -  |

Important dates:

3 - Quiz in class.
7 - Full Moon
8 - Quiz in class.
9 - Quiz in class; New floors of the Tartarus are available.
10 - Quiz in class.
11 - Quiz in class.
14-18 - Final Exams
20 - Trip to Yakushima.
21 - New party member.
24 - New social link available.

July 3
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "The 2,000 Yen Bill".

July 7
It's time for the next operation.  Yukari will be a mandatory member this time,
so select your other two party members.  Chances are Akihiko and Junpei are
leveled higher than Mitsuru at this point.  Once you're ready, make your way
to the top floor and enter the room to the northeast on the map.


/ BOSS \
|  Hierophant |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Rpl |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This is a pretty simple fight that doesn't require a lot of planning and
strategy.  The one thing that might pose as a tiny problem is that he tends
to use Zio based skills.  Since Yukari's Persona has a weakness to Zio skills,
she might be in a bit of trouble if she gets pummeled on constantly, but
nothing a Medicine/Dia can fix.  Other than that, the other attack he has can
make you distressed which can be fixed with a Patra/Me Patra Gem.  So just use
your best non-Zio Persona and he'll go down rather quickly.


After the fight, watch a scene that reminds you that you have to remember
Yukari is still jailbait, so no touchy touchy.  When given the following
choices, select these: "What was I...", "That's not True...",
"I can't give in...", and then "Now's not the time."  Once you regain control,
go to the next floor to meet up with Junpei/Akihiko/Mitsuru.  Your next
objective is to destroy two mirrors to break the seal to the second shadow.
Go to the second floor and enter Room 205.  Break the window and climb to the
third floor.  Enter Room 304 and break the window.  Now go back to the room
where you fought the shadow and you'll be treated to another fight.


/ BOSS \
|    Lovers   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This boss might pose more of a problem than the previous one.  While it doesn't
have any strengths and weaknesses, the main problem with this fight is that
it can Charm your party, meaning if the main character gets charmed, you'll
either Heal the Lovers if you have a Persona equipped with Dia, do nothing, or
attack your party members.  The worst part about this is that your party
members don't give a damn and won't use a Dis-Charm on you, so if the main
character gets charmed, you either need to hope to hold out long enough or
start the battle over.  Aside from Charm, it's a normal fight, so use your
best Persona.


After the fight, you'll learn the tactic "Full Assault".

July 8
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "o-no-ma-to-pee-ah".

July 9
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Heian-Kyo became the Capital."  Also, when
you return to the Dorm, Elizabeth will tell you that new floors of the
Tartarus are now available.  Joy.

July 10
Another fuggin' quiz.  The answer is "Kabbalah".

July 11
You guessed it.  Another quiz.  The answer is "Their hairdos".

July 14
Final exams start today.  The answer is "Jewish".

July 15
Second day of Final Exams.  The answer is "Murasaki Shikibu".

July 16
Third day of Final Exams.  The answer is "The topknot fired bullets".

July 17
Fourth day of Final Exams.  The answer is "Leonardo da Vinci".

July 18
Final day of Final Exams.  Your end result will depend on your current Academic
Level and how many answers you got correct.  You need at least Level 5 in
Academics if you want to ace it.

July 20
Today, you leave for Yakushima, which means no Tartarus until you get back.
Kiss my ass, Shadows.

July 21
Today, operation "Babe Hunt" will commence.  With Junpei in your party, there's
no way you can fail, right?  ...Right?!  After the set of scenes (the last
'female' you try to hit on is quite hilarious indeed), you'll try to hit up on
some girl standing on the pier.  Afterwards, run into the forest and follow
the path until you come across her.  After some more scenes, Aigis will join
the party.

July 24
Summer vacation is right around the corner, don't worry.  As of today, if you
have your Charm stat maxed to Level 6, you can start up the Lovers Social Link
with Yukari by talking with her after class.  Just becareful that you're not
dating someone else already.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   -  |  -  |   1  |   2  |
|  3  |  4  |  5  |   6  |  7  |   8  |   9  |
|  10 |  11 |  12 |  13  |  14 |  15  |  16  |
|  17 |  18 |  19 |  20  |  21 |  22  |  23  |
|  24 |  25 |  26 |  27  |  28 |  29  |  30  |
|  31 |  -  |  -  |   -  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important dates:

2 - New social link available.
6 - Full Moon.
8 - New party member; new floors of Tartarus are available.
10-15 - Summer school.
16 - Summer Festival.
28 - New party member.

August 2
Your sporting competition will be today.  No matter what, you'll lose in the
end to the other schools best athlete.  After the scenes, you'll get a chance
to make a social link wtih Mamoru.  After today, you can find him sitting on
the bench across from the Bookstore.  You need Level 4 Courage in order to
establish a social link with him.

August 6
It's time for the next operation.  After the set of scenes, you can select your
party members.  Since the upcoming boss has no nasty attacks or weaknesses for
you to exploit, it doesn't really matter what party you pick, but having a
healer is nice, so bring either Yukari or Mitsuru.  For the other two, I took
Aigis for her ability to use single and multi target Persona skills, and
Junpei for more manpower.  When you're ready, go down the next set of screens.
When you reach the Shadow, Fuuka will warn you it's ahead, so heal up if


/ BOSS \
|   Chariot   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

/ BOSS \
|   Justice   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

There's really no tricks to learn for this fight.  It's basically just a huge
slugfest right from the start.  These two will be combined once the battle
starts and can poison you and will use Kill Rush, so if you need to, stick
Yukari/Mitsuru on Heal/Support while you use your best Persona on it.  After a
few turns, they'll split into two.  Don't worry, your damage will still carry
over, but there's one thing to take note of here.  You MUST kill both of them
on back to back turns, otherwise one will revive the other and you have to
start all over again.  Other than that, it's just an all out slugfest.


After the fight, you'll learn the "Same Target" tactic.

August 8
Once Evening rolls around, you'll be introduced to your new party member,
Koromaru.  Yes, that Koromaru.  I don't know why, but I can't resist using an
animal in my party in an RPG, but it's probably because Koromaru is resistant
to both Fire AND Mudo attacks, but has a weakness to Hama attacks.  However,
not that many enemies use Hama based attacks, so he's an ideal pick for your

Also, Elizabeth will tell you that new floors of the Tartarus are available
for exploration.

August 10-15
Thanks to Mitsuru, you'll be spending the next few days in Summer School.  Good
thing is, you'll raise your Academics if you haven't already maxed it out.

August 16
The Summer Festival is today.  You'll be invited by one of your female social

August 28
You'll be introduced to your new party member today, Ken.

That was a pretty boring month, wasn't it?


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  1  |  2  |   3  |  4  |   5  |   6  |
|  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11 |  12  |  13  |
|  14 |  15 |  16 |  17  |  18 |  19  |  20  |
|  21 |  22 |  23 |  24  |  25 |  26  |  27  |
|  28 |  29 |  30 |   -  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important dates:

1 - Quiz in class.
3 - New party member.
5 - Full Moon.
10 - Quiz in class; New floors available in Tartarus.
11 - Quiz in class.
14 - Quiz in class.
18-20 - Typhoon.
21 - New fusions available.

September 1
You'll be quizzed today.  The answer is "You slide like crazy."  Oh summer
vacation, how I miss thee.

September 3
Shinjiro will become a party member.  He's pretty much the powerhouse of the

September 5
Full Moon time.  After a few scenes, you'll be able to pick your party.  Since
the upcoming boss uses Zio based skills, Yukari and Aigis will only become
burdens, so bring Akihiko since he's Strong against Zio skills, Mitsuru for
healing purposes, and whoever else you want, though I went with Koromaru.  Talk
to Fuuka when you're ready to tackle it.


/ BOSS \
|    Hermit   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Drn |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Like I stated above, this boss uses mainly Zio based skills.  His big attack,
Giga Spark, takes about 3-4 rounds to charge up, so you can use this time to
use skills such as Rakukaja/Rakunda, Tarukaja/Tarunda and so on.  Once he gets
ready to release his Giga Spark, set Mitsuru to Heal/Support so she can heal
you right away after he craps it out.  If you have a Persona with a resistance
to Zio based skills like Take-Mikazuchi, you'll be set.  As long as you can
heal up after his Giga Spark, he's a push over.


Trust me, the next operation will be MUCH more fun.

September 10
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Come here."  Also, new floors of the
Tartarus will be available for you to explore when you return to the Dorm.

September 11
Another quiz.  The answer is "The Hermetica."

September 14
Another quiz.  The answer is "It's indeterminate."

September 18-20
The typhoon that you've heard (or overheard, you nosy little bastard) the
students talking about finally hits home.  You'll be stuck in the Dorm since
you'll sleep through the next few days.

September 21
As Igor mentioned on the 18th, you'll be able to make Personas using the Cross
and Pentagon spreads.  These are much more simple than the cross and triangle
spreads, since you don't have to experiment to get the Persona you want.  Just
bring the Personas listed in the list and you'll be able to make it.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   1  |  2  |   3  |   4  |
|  5  |  6  |  7  |   8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |
|  12 |  13 |  14 |  15  |  16 |  17  |  18  |
|  19 |  20 |  21 |  22  |  23 |  24  |  25  |
|  26 |  27 |  28 |  29  |  30 |  31  |   -  |

Important dates:

4 - Full Moon.
5 - Akihiko's Persona evolves.
6 - Ken's Persona evolves.
7 - Quiz in class; New floors in the Tartarus are available.
13-17 - Mid Term Exams.
19 - Quiz in class.
20 - Fuuka's Persona evolves.
22 - Quiz in class.
23 - Quiz in class.
26 - Quiz in class.
29 - Quiz in class.

October 4
The next operation is tonight.  Shinjiro and Ken won't be available for this
fight (you'll see why soon enough), so you're stuck with everyone else.  The
upcoming bosses don't really have any nasty attacks, so bring Yukari/Mitsuru
for healing duties as always while the other two are up to you.  Aigis and
Junpei were my other two characters here.  Once you pick your characters, tell
Fuuka you're ready to go.


/ BOSS \
|   Strength  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

/ BOSS \
|   Fortune   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This battle is rather interesting, because depending on how well you use
Fortune's Roulette, this battle can become either easy or hard.  Once the
battle starts, Strength will encase Fortune in a barrier, making him off limits
so you have to focus all your man power on Strength.  Strength can be a
dangerous foe since it knows some pretty strong physical attacks AND can make
your party either distressed or charmed, which can mean big trouble if the main
character is charmed.

While Strength is pummeling you, Fortune will use Wheel of Fortune (not the
gameshow, so no prizes are included, sorry) which can make or break this fight.
The way it works is pretty simple.  A spinner will come down with red and blue
spots, along with certain ailments and other fun things like healing and damage
tiles.  If you land the spinner on a red tile, the effect located on that tile
will effect your party, whereas if it lands on blue, that effect will occur
on the enemies.  For example, say your spinner lands on a red tile with an
attack down symbol on it.  This means your party will have its attack decreased
for a short while.  Now, to make the Roulette work in your favor, you'll want
to pay attention to the tile ACROSS from your spinner and a bit to the left.
Wait for a blue tile to be across and a little left of the spinner.  Once it
reaches there, press X and you should land on the blue tile.

When Strength goes down, Fortune will start using other attacks like Torrent
Shot along with Wheel of Fortune.  However, this time Wheel of Fortune will
have more red tiles than blue tiles this time, so hopefully you have the basics
of the Roulette down already.  As long as you avoid the red tiles at the
beginning and end, this fight shouldn't be too difficult.


October 5
Akihiko's Persona will evolve into Caesar.

October 6
Ken's Persona will evolve into Kala-Nemi.

October 7
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "To bring in business."  When you return
to the Dorm, Elizabeth will call you, informing you of new floors in the
Tartarus becoming available.

October 13
Mid Terms start today.  The answer is "2".

October 14
Second day of Mid Terms.  The answer is "Moses".

October 15
Third day of Mid Terms.  The answer is "Summer Vacation".

October 16
Fourth day of Mid Terms.  The answer is "Fifteen".

October 17
Final day of Mid Terms.  You should have your Academics maxed by now.  If they
are, then you'll ace the exams if you got the other answers right.

October 19
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Friday".

October 20
Fuuka's Persona will evolve into Juno, which learns the ever helpful Escape
Route skill.

October 22
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Mansion".

October 23
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Madam Blavatsky".

October 26
You'll be quizzed again.  The answer is "It's Arabic."

October 29
Last quiz for the month, don't worry.  The answer is "Tofu".  Yum.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   -  |  -  |   -  |   1  |
|  2  |  3  |  4  |   5  |  6  |   7  |   8  |
|  9  |  10 |  11 |  12  |  13 |  14  |  15  |
|  16 |  17 |  18 |  19  |  20 |  21  |  22  |
|  23 |  24 |  25 |  26  |  27 |  28  |  29  |
|  30 |  -  |  -  |   -  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important dates:

3 - Full Moon.
5 - Yukari's Persona evolves.
6 - New floors available in Tartarus.
12 - Quiz in class.
17 - Trip to Kyoto.
18 - Mitsuru's Persona evolves.
19 - Kick Junpei's ass for his plan.
22 - Junpei's Persona evolves.
30 - Quiz in class.

November 3
Well, it's time to face the 12th and final Shadow, but we have a little
obstacle in our way.  For the upcoming battle, Koromaru is a good choice for
his ability to block both Agi and Mudo based attacks.  Junpei should also be
a part of this fight.  Bring Yukari for healing purposes.  When you're ready,
tell Fuuka you're ready to start the operation.


/ BOSS \
|    Takaya   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

/ BOSS \
|     Jin     |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Rpl |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Rpl |

This fight isn't as tough as it seems, but if you let Jin get the upper hand
in this fight, it can turn ugly quickly.  Jin uses mainly Mudo and Agi based
attacks, so Koromaru and Junpei will help you a bunch in this fight.  Avoid
using Agi spells on Jin as he'll only repel them.  As for Takaya, he just uses
single target -Dyne skills, but has the tendency to hit a character with a
weakness with the right skill.  Make sure to focus on Jin first as he's
obviously the most dangerous, then focus on taking down Takaya.


You can reform your party now if you want.  Keep Yukari and equip a Persona
with Magarula.  Once you're ready, head up to where the Shadow is and tell
Fuuka you're ready to go.


/ BOSS \
|  Hanged Man |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Once the battle starts, you'll notice three statues and the Hanged Man above
them.  In order to get him down, you need to destroy the three statues.  Each
statue uses a certain element.  You'll want to use Magarula for this fight
because none of the statues null Garu based skills and you can take them out
in either one shot, or severly weaken them which gives Yukari and your other
party members to finish them off.  Once all three are gone, Hanged Man will
fall to the ground.  Because of this, he will be labeled as "Down" which will
enable you to use an All Out Attack.  Do so and continue pummeling him.  He'll
summon some Devious Mayas while hitting you with strong physical attacks.  If
you can't kill off the Mayas fast enough, Hanged Man will make the Devious
Mayas use Last Resort, which can possibly kill you.

After a couple of turns, Hanged Man will go back up to the top and the statues
will reappear.  Repeat this whole process until his HP reaches 0.


November 5
Yukari's Persona will evolve into Isis today.

November 6
Elizabeth will notify you that new floors are available in the Tartarus.

November 12
You'll be quizzed today.  The answer is "The Upanishads".

November 17
Your trip to Kyoto begins today.  Nothing special here since you can't leave
the hotel.  Save your game and head back to your room.

November 18
Mitsuru's Persona will evolve into Artemisia today.

November 19
Junpei has put you guys in some pretty hot water here.  You'll need to avoid
the girls here, otherwise you'll be executed.  Trust me, this sounds much worse
than you think.  You'll need to hide as the girls explore around the springs,
trying to see if anyone is actually there with them.  Once it starts, hide on
the right side of the rock you're near.  Once they see no one, wait for them
to leave and slowly make your way to the left side of the rock.  Be careful
here as if you go too high, Mitsuru will spot you.  After the girls don't find
anyone again, they'll search one last time.  Wait until they leave and head
into the center of the room where the small waterfall is.  Examine it and
choose to hide there until the girls give up.

As a reward, Aigis points out that she knows the difference between male and
female bodies.  Free ice cream too!

November 22
The Dark Hour will roll around and something seems amiss.  Junpei won't be able
to fight this time.  Bring Yukari for healing (Mitsuru will only be a burden)
and then bring Koromaru for his strength against Agi skills.  The last party
member is up to you.


/ BOSS \
|   Chidori   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Drn |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Chidori isn't all that dangerous since she mainly sticks with Agi based skills,
but she'll throw out a Mamudoon.  Also, after every turn, Chidori has a passive
skill called 'Spring of Life' which will heal her every turn.  Thankfully she
doesn't have a lot of HP, so if you use any -La/-Dyne spell (that doesn't have
the word Agi in it), you should be able to take off her health fairly quickly.


After the fight and scenes, Junpei's Persona will evolve into Trismegistus.

November 30
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "So they stood out."


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  1  |  2  |   3  |  4  |   5  |   6  |
|  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11 |  12  |  13  |
|  14 |  15 |  16 |  17  |  18 |  19  |  20  |
|  21 |  22 |  23 |  24  |  25 |  26  |  27  |
|  28 |  29 |  30 |  31  |  -  |   -  |   -  |

Important dates:

2 - Full Moon.
3-9 - Tartarus unavailable.
11 - Quiz in class.
14-19 - Final Exams.
21 - Quiz in class.
24 - Christmas Eve.
25 - Christmas Day.
30 - Aigis's Persona evolves.
31 - New Year's Eve.

December 2
It's time for the next full moon, but unlike with the others, you won't be
fighting anything.  Just watch the scenes.

December 3-9
You won't be able to explore the Tartarus in this time period.  You can go back
and explore on the 10th.

December 11
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Nice".

December 14
Final Exams start today.  The answer is "1156".

December 15
Second day of Final Exams.  The answer is "Magnesium Chloride".

December 16
Third day of Final Exams.  The answer is "Mansion".

December 17
Fourth day of Final Exams.  The answer is "So they stood out".

December 18
Fifth day of Final Exams.  The answer is "Latte".

December 19
Final day of Final Exams.  You should have your Academics maxed by now.

December 21
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Kido".

December 24
Christmas Eve.  One of your female social links will invite you shopping with
her.  It's usually the highest link you have, but if you have two or more maxed
out, it will be randomly selected from those.

December 25
Christmas Day.  So what's your present you ask?  You get to go to school!  Yay!

December 30
Aigis rejoins the party.  He Persona also evolves into Athena.

December 31
New Year's Eve.  It's time to make your choice.  If you decide to kill him, the
game will end right now.  If you let him live, you'll continue on.  Note that
he asks you this question TWICE, so pay attention to the second answer box.


|  M  |  T  |  W  |  Th  |  F  |  Sa  |  Su  |
|  -  |  -  |  -  |   -  |  1  |   2  |   3  |
|  4  |  5  |  6  |   7  |  8  |   9  |  10  |
|  11 |  12 |  13 |  14  |  15 |  16  |  17  |
|  18 |  19 |  20 |  21  |  22 |  23  |  24  |
|  25 |  26 |  27 |  28  |  29 |  30  |  31  |

Important dates:

1 - New Year's Day; New floors of the Tartarus are available.
8 - Quiz in class.
18 - Quiz in class.
25 - Quiz in class.
31 - Judgment Day.

January 1
New Year's Day and Junpei still doesn't miss a beat.  You also notice how the
dorm and city music has changed?  I have to say that the city music for this
month is one of my favorite tracks in the game.  Anywho, once you return to the
dorm, Elizabeth will tell you that new floors are available for you to explore,
meaning you're at the last Block.

January 8
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "They're both correct".

January 18
You'll be quizzed.  The answer is "Circe".

January 25
Your final quiz of the game.  Now now, don't cry.  The answer is
"Arigatou Gozaimashita!".

January 31
Finally, the Promised Day (or Judgement Day, give or take) has arrived.  Once
you enter the Tartarus, you can't leave, so make sure to prep yourself with
the best pieces of equipment you can find.  If you need to level, stick to the
first floor of the Monad block.  Keep in mind that the party you select as
you climb the final set of floors ISN'T absolute, so you can change your party
when you reach certain floors.

Make your way to Floor 258.


/ BOSS \
|     Jin     |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Rpl |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Rpl |

Jin is much more dangerous this time around.  You'll want to bring Koromaru
for sure this time.  Yukari/Mitsuru should tag along for healing purposes, and
the final party member is up to you.  Unlike last time, Jin has access to a
bunch of new attacks.  Mudo attacks, Hama attacks, -Dyne skills, he can pretty
much use any elemental skill in the game here.  It also doesn't help that he
can cause ailments on your party.  Koromaru will reduce the Agi attacks and
block the Mudo attacks.  Jin seems to use Mudo based attacks more than Hama for
some reason (or he did for me at least), so Koromaru should be safe.  Set
Yukari's/Mitsuru's tactic to Heal/Support if Jin starts targeting your weak
points while you should use your best non-Agi based attacks.  If you have a
leveled up Skadi, Niflheim will be a great asset here.  Just revive anyone that
dies to Mudo/Hama and keep pummeling him.


Heal up and switch your party if you want.  When you're ready, continue until
you reach floor 262.


/ BOSS \
|    Takaya   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Drn |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Takaya is pretty much the same as last time, so bring any three party members
you want and set a Persona such as Gabriel or Raphael to avoid his -Dyne
attacks.  He barely does more damage than last time, so as long as you can
keep up with the healing, you'll be able to take him out rather quickly.  Not
that hard of a fight.


Finally, the top awaits us.  Make sure to have at least Raphael since he learns
Null Charm naturally.  When you're ready, advance to the top.


/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |   Fool   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

You'll be facing 14 different forms of Nyx, so I'll add what each form is at
the end of Nyx's name.  For this form, set everyone to Conserve SP as Nyx will
do nothing in this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Magician |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Drn |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Set a Persona that has a resistance or the ability to drain Agi based skills
for this form.  Nyx will use Agi/Maragi, Agilao/Maragilo and Agidyne/Maragidyne
in this form, so avoid using your own Agi based attacks.  Obviously, Koromaru
and Junpei will shine in this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Priestess |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Drn | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Set a Persona that has a resistance or able to drain Bufu skills here.  Nyx
will use Bufu/Mabufu, Bufula/Mabufula and Bufudyne/Mabufudyne for this form, so
avoid using your own Bufu skills.  Mitsuru will be a great help for this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Empress |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Drn |  Nul |  Nul |

Like with the other forms, set a Persona that matches the skill type that Nyx
uses in this form, which would be Garu, so Atropos is a great choice.  Nyx
will use Garu/Magaru, Garula/Magarula, and Garudyne/Magarudyne in this form,
so avoid using your own Garu based attacks.  Yukari obviously will easily
survive this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Emperor |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Drn |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

The final of the four elemental forms, Nyx will abuse Zio/Mazio, Zionga/
Mazionga, and Ziodyne/Maziodyne in this form so avoid using your own Zio based
skills.  Akihiko and Ken will help you out a bunch here.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Hierophant |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nul  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Now things are starting to get interesting.  Nyx will use Rebellion on her
first turn to increase hers and your Critical rates and then start using
powreful physical attacks, most noteably Fatal End.  Avoid using Strike attacks
for this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Lovers  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |  Nul |

This is probably one of the most annoying forms, if not the most annoying.  Nyx
has a very nasty habit of using Marin Karin, Holy Arrow, and Sexy Dance in this
form which will Charm you.  Make sure to set Raphael to avoid this and use your
best non-Garu based skills.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Chariot |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nul  |   Nul  |   Nul  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This form will also abuse physical attacks, but Nyx will also use Power Charge
to try to take you out with one shot, so have your healer ready with their
healing skills.  Avoid using Slash/Strike/Pierce skills and use your best magic
skills such as Ragnarok and Niflheim.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Justice |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nul |  Nul | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Equip a Persona that can nullify/repel Hama attacks such as Gabriel or Horus
and avoid using Agi and Bufu based skills.  Ken will obviously benefit from
this form the most.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Hermit  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |  Nul |

This form is pretty much the opposite of the previous form since Nyx will start
using Mudoon and Mamudoon here, so a leveled up Gabriel or Horus will benefit
the most from this phase, as will Koromaru.  Avoid using Garu based skills as
you pound her.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Fortune |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nul |  Nul | Nul |  Nul |  Nul |  Nul |

Nyx will use all four of the element types here, so set a Persona with no
weaknesses and avoid using your own elemental skills and use physical attacks
for this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Strength |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nul  |   Nul  |   Nul  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Nyx will abuse physical attacks this time, so use your best elemental attacks
this time such as Ragnarok or Niflheim.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Hanged Man |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Str  |   Str  |   Str  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This form will throw pretty much everything at you, including Almighty based
attacks so have your healer ready with a decent amount of SP to counter this

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |   Death  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Str  |   Str  |   Str  | Str |  Str | Str |  Str |  Nul |  Nul |

This is the final form, but as you can tell, Nyx will reduce the damage from
any attack you throw at her, so don't worry about being picky as everything
will do less damage.  This form isn't that dangerous at first.  She'll just
stick to using the four elemental skills.  After you deal enough damage, she'll
use Moonless Gown which will reflect any and all attacks back at you and your
party.  It won't disappear either if you hit it while it's up.  The most
annoying part about it is that she uses it neary EVERY OTHER FREAKING TURN.
Set everyones commands to Stand By until she takes it down.  After she takes
it down, continue pummeling her while being cautious of Moonlight Gown.  Once
she gets low on health, she'll start using Night Queen which will hurt you AND
put a random status ailment on you and your party members.  Just keep your
health up as you're coming down the home stretch and you'll come out on top


For some reason, this fight reminded me of the final fight in Shadow Hearts,
minus the 300 forms.  Now sit back and watch the ending.  You'll be taking
control of the main character for a couple more days, though.  After that, the
credits will roll and you can save your game to start a New Cycle.

Congratulations!  You beat Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3.  I hope my guide was
able to help you out.

5.) Bosses

This section will list both the Full Moon and Tartarus Bosses.

Full Moon Bosses


/ BOSS \
|  Priestess  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Rpl | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Just a quick rundown: I'll list each element/attack type for each boss and list
how they react to them.  Nrm = Normal; Wk = Weak; Rpl = Repel; Str = Strong;
Nul = Nullifies.

For the first boss in the game, it's not a real tough one.  As long as you
avoid using a Persona with Bufu skills, so something like Orpheus or Nekomata
will come a long way here.  As for Yukari and Junpei, hopefully you're at a
high enough level in which the Priestess won't put you in a critical zone with
just one attack.  If you don't feel confident, set Yukaris tactics to
Heal/Support while you and Junpei attack it.

Priestess mainly uses Bufu and attacks but will summon Tiaras to help her out.
Get rid of these as they'll only heal her.  It shouldn't be a difficult fight
and you should be able to get rid of her before the time limit runs out.



/ BOSS \
|   Empress   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|   Wk  |   Wk   |   Wk   | Nul |  Nul | Nul |  Nul |  Nul |  Nul |

/ BOSS \
|   Emperor   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nul  |   Nul  |   Nul  |  Wk |  Wk  |  Wk |  Wk  |  Nul |  Nul |

The above stats for the two Shadows you're facing are only their default
strengths and weaknesses.  Obviously from this, the Empress has a weakness to
Slash, Strike, and Pierce attacks while the Emperor has a weakness to all four
elemental attacks.  The best way to deal with this?  On your first turn, have
the main character attack the Empress to knock her down, and then use a Persona
with any elemental skill and use it on the Emperor to knock him down.  Use an
All Out Attack and you should do a decent amount of damage.  Sounds simple,
right?  Well, once they get low on health, Empress and Emperor will start
switching their attributes around.  This is where Fuuka comes in handy.  Use
L1 to bring up the Analyze option and have her Analyze them while you guess
their weaknesses.  Once you hit them, they'll switch again.  Repeat until they



/ BOSS \
|  Hierophant |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Rpl |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This is a pretty simple fight that doesn't require a lot of planning and
strategy.  The one thing that might pose as a tiny problem is that he tends
to use Zio based skills.  Since Yukari's Persona has a weakness to Zio skills,
she might be in a bit of trouble if she gets pummeled on constantly, but
nothing a Medicine/Dia can fix.  Other than that, the other attack he has can
make you distressed which can be fixed with a Patra/Me Patra Gem.  So just use
your best non-Zio Persona and he'll go down rather quickly.



/ BOSS \
|    Lovers   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This boss might pose more of a problem than the previous one.  While it doesn't
have any strengths and weaknesses, the main problem with this fight is that
it can Charm your party, meaning if the main character gets charmed, you'll
either Heal the Lovers if you have a Persona equipped with Dia, do nothing, or
attack your party members.  The worst part about this is that your party
members don't give a damn and won't use a Dis-Charm on you, so if the main
character gets charmed, you either need to hope to hold out long enough or
start the battle over.  Aside from Charm, it's a normal fight, so use your
best Persona.



/ BOSS \
|   Chariot   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

/ BOSS \
|   Justice   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

There's really no tricks to learn for this fight.  It's basically just a huge
slugfest right from the start.  These two will be combined once the battle
starts and can poison you and will use Kill Rush, so if you need to, stick
Yukari/Mitsuru on Heal/Support while you use your best Persona on it.  After a
few turns, they'll split into two.  Don't worry, your damage will still carry
over, but there's one thing to take note of here.  You MUST kill both of them
on back to back turns, otherwise one will revive the other and you have to
start all over again.  Other than that, it's just an all out slugfest.



/ BOSS \
|    Hermit   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Drn |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Like I stated above, this boss uses mainly Zio based skills.  His big attack,
Giga Spark, takes about 3-4 rounds to charge up, so you can use this time to
use skills such as Rakukaja/Rakunda, Tarukaja/Tarunda and so on.  Once he gets
ready to release his Giga Spark, set Mitsuru to Heal/Support so she can heal
you right away after he craps it out.  If you have a Persona with a resistance
to Zio based skills like Take-Mikazuchi, you'll be set.  As long as you can
heal up after his Giga Spark, he's a push over.



/ BOSS \
|   Strength  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

/ BOSS \
|   Fortune   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This battle is rather interesting, because depending on how well you use
Fortune's Roulette, this battle can become either easy or hard.  Once the
battle starts, Strength will encase Fortune in a barrier, making him off limits
so you have to focus all your man power on Strength.  Strength can be a
dangerous foe since it knows some pretty strong physical attacks AND can make
your party either distressed or charmed, which can mean big trouble if the main
character is charmed.

While Strength is pummeling you, Fortune will use Wheel of Fortune (not the
gameshow, so no prizes are included, sorry) which can make or break this fight.
The way it works is pretty simple.  A spinner will come down with red and blue
spots, along with certain ailments and other fun things like healing and damage
tiles.  If you land the spinner on a red tile, the effect located on that tile
will effect your party, whereas if it lands on blue, that effect will occur
on the enemies.  For example, say your spinner lands on a red tile with an
attack down symbol on it.  This means your party will have its attack decreased
for a short while.  Now, to make the Roulette work in your favor, you'll want
to pay attention to the tile ACROSS from your spinner and a bit to the left.
Wait for a blue tile to be across and a little left of the spinner.  Once it
reaches there, press X and you should land on the blue tile.

When Strength goes down, Fortune will start using other attacks like Torrent
Shot along with Wheel of Fortune.  However, this time Wheel of Fortune will
have more red tiles than blue tiles this time, so hopefully you have the basics
of the Roulette down already.  As long as you avoid the red tiles at the
beginning and end, this fight shouldn't be too difficult.



/ BOSS \
|    Takaya   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

/ BOSS \
|     Jin     |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Rpl |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Rpl |

This fight isn't as tough as it seems, but if you let Jin get the upper hand
in this fight, it can turn ugly quickly.  Jin uses mainly Mudo and Agi based
attacks, so Koromaru and Junpei will help you a bunch in this fight.  Avoid
using Agi spells on Jin as he'll only repel them.  As for Takaya, he just uses
single target -Dyne skills, but has the tendency to hit a character with a
weakness with the right skill.  Make sure to focus on Jin first as he's
obviously the most dangerous, then focus on taking down Takaya.



/ BOSS \
|  Hanged Man |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Once the battle starts, you'll notice three statues and the Hanged Man above
them.  In order to get him down, you need to destroy the three statues.  Each
statue uses a certain element.  You'll want to use Magarula for this fight
because none of the statues null Garu based skills and you can take them out
in either one shot, or severly weaken them which gives Yukari and your other
party members to finish them off.  Once all three are gone, Hanged Man will
fall to the ground.  Because of this, he will be labeled as "Down" which will
enable you to use an All Out Attack.  Do so and continue pummeling him.  He'll
summon some Devious Mayas while hitting you with strong physical attacks.  If
you can't kill off the Mayas fast enough, Hanged Man will make the Devious
Mayas use Last Resort, which can possibly kill you.

After a couple of turns, Hanged Man will go back up to the top and the statues
will reappear.  Repeat this whole process until his HP reaches 0.



/ BOSS \
|   Chidori   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Drn |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Chidori isn't all that dangerous since she mainly sticks with Agi based skills,
but she'll throw out a Mamudoon.  Also, after every turn, Chidori has a passive
skill called 'Spring of Life' which will heal her every turn.  Thankfully she
doesn't have a lot of HP, so if you use any -La/-Dyne spell (that doesn't have
the word Agi in it), you should be able to take off her health fairly quickly.



/ BOSS \
|     Jin     |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Rpl |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Rpl |

Jin is much more dangerous this time around.  You'll want to bring Koromaru
for sure this time.  Yukari/Mitsuru should tag along for healing purposes, and
the final party member is up to you.  Unlike last time, Jin has access to a
bunch of new attacks.  Mudo attacks, Hama attacks, -Dyne skills, he can pretty
much use any elemental skill in the game here.  It also doesn't help that he
can cause ailments on your party.  Koromaru will reduce the Agi attacks and
block the Mudo attacks.  Jin seems to use Mudo based attacks more than Hama for
some reason (or he did for me at least), so Koromaru should be safe.  Set
Yukari's/Mitsuru's tactic to Heal/Support if Jin starts targeting your weak
points while you should use your best non-Agi based attacks.  If you have a
leveled up Skadi, Niflheim will be a great asset here.  Just revive anyone that
dies to Mudo/Hama and keep pummeling him.



/ BOSS \
|    Takaya   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Drn |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Takaya is pretty much the same as last time, so bring any three party members
you want and set a Persona such as Gabriel or Raphael to avoid his -Dyne
attacks.  He barely does more damage than last time, so as long as you can
keep up with the healing, you'll be able to take him out rather quickly.  Not
that hard of a fight.



/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |   Fool   |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

You'll be facing 14 different forms of Nyx, so I'll add what each form is at
the end of Nyx's name.  For this form, set everyone to Conserve SP as Nyx will
do nothing in this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Magician |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Drn |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Set a Persona that has a resistance or the ability to drain Agi based skills
for this form.  Nyx will use Agi/Maragi, Agilao/Maragilo and Agidyne/Maragidyne
in this form, so avoid using your own Agi based attacks.  Obviously, Koromaru
and Junpei will shine in this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Priestess |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Drn | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Set a Persona that has a resistance or able to drain Bufu skills here.  Nyx
will use Bufu/Mabufu, Bufula/Mabufula and Bufudyne/Mabufudyne for this form, so
avoid using your own Bufu skills.  Mitsuru will be a great help for this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Empress |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Drn |  Nul |  Nul |

Like with the other forms, set a Persona that matches the skill type that Nyx
uses in this form, which would be Garu, so Atropos is a great choice.  Nyx
will use Garu/Magaru, Garula/Magarula, and Garudyne/Magarudyne in this form,
so avoid using your own Garu based attacks.  Yukari obviously will easily
survive this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Emperor |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Drn |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

The final of the four elemental forms, Nyx will abuse Zio/Mazio, Zionga/
Mazionga, and Ziodyne/Maziodyne in this form so avoid using your own Zio based
skills.  Akihiko and Ken will help you out a bunch here.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Hierophant |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nul  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Now things are starting to get interesting.  Nyx will use Rebellion on her
first turn to increase hers and your Critical rates and then start using
powreful physical attacks, most noteably Fatal End.  Avoid using Strike attacks
for this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Lovers  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |  Nul |

This is probably one of the most annoying forms, if not the most annoying.  Nyx
has a very nasty habit of using Marin Karin, Holy Arrow, and Sexy Dance in this
form which will Charm you.  Make sure to set Raphael to avoid this and use your
best non-Garu based skills.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Chariot |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nul  |   Nul  |   Nul  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This form will also abuse physical attacks, but Nyx will also use Power Charge
to try to take you out with one shot, so have your healer ready with their
healing skills.  Avoid using Slash/Strike/Pierce skills and use your best magic
skills such as Ragnarok and Niflheim.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Justice |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nul |  Nul | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Equip a Persona that can nullify/repel Hama attacks such as Gabriel or Horus
and avoid using Agi and Bufu based skills.  Ken will obviously benefit from
this form the most.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Hermit  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |  Nul |

This form is pretty much the opposite of the previous form since Nyx will start
using Mudoon and Mamudoon here, so a leveled up Gabriel or Horus will benefit
the most from this phase, as will Koromaru.  Avoid using Garu based skills as
you pound her.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |  Fortune |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nrm  |   Nrm  |   Nrm  | Nul |  Nul | Nul |  Nul |  Nul |  Nul |

Nyx will use all four of the element types here, so set a Persona with no
weaknesses and avoid using your own elemental skills and use physical attacks
for this form.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Strength |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Nul  |   Nul  |   Nul  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

Nyx will abuse physical attacks this time, so use your best elemental attacks
this time such as Ragnarok or Niflheim.

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     | Hanged Man |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Str  |   Str  |   Str  | Nrm |  Nrm | Nrm |  Nrm |  Nul |  Nul |

This form will throw pretty much everything at you, including Almighty based
attacks so have your healer ready with a decent amount of SP to counter this

/ BOSS \
|     Nyx     |   Death  |
| Slash | Strike | Pierce | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
|  Str  |   Str  |   Str  | Str |  Str | Str |  Str |  Nul |  Nul |

This is the final form, but as you can tell, Nyx will reduce the damage from
any attack you throw at her, so don't worry about being picky as everything
will do less damage.  This form isn't that dangerous at first.  She'll just
stick to using the four elemental skills.  After you deal enough damage, she'll
use Moonless Gown which will reflect any and all attacks back at you and your
party.  It won't disappear either if you hit it while it's up.  The most
annoying part about it is that she uses it neary EVERY OTHER FREAKING TURN.
Set everyones commands to Stand By until she takes it down.  After she takes
it down, continue pummeling her while being cautious of Moonlight Gown.  Once
she gets low on health, she'll start using Night Queen which will hurt you AND
put a random status ailment on you and your party members.  Just keep your
health up as you're coming down the home stretch and you'll come out on top
(Sumber : Gamefaqs)

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